Dignity, or…

From 2005 to 2008 I maintained a blog about my experiences working in the drug test industry. Every Sunday I revive one of those experiences here. The following was originally posted August 31, 2007.

Dignity, or… Somewhere along the line my bosses fixed the problem where I would get called away from my desk […]

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, week three

Whoops, I had this scheduled to go live tomorrow instead of today. I FAIL AT CALENDARS. Fortunately I caught it before midnight!

So I notice we’re back to showing three minutes of Coach doing Tai Chi every episode. Fantastic. And did you see his uncut, unabridged confessional about honor and integrity? I guarantee he rehearsed […]

Finishing stuff!

Isn’t it a good feeling to know that you’ve put the final touches on a project? I wouldn’t know, of course, since today I didn’t finish the enormously long co-op Let’s Play series I’ve been recording on and off since November. We finished the game, sure, but there’s still a lot of footage to sift […]

So um yeah

Several commenters have informed me that those MMX “rom hack” maps I linked to yesterday were an April Fool’s gag, and also that I am an idiot. In my defense, being an idiot is awesome.

All the negativity towards idiocy in this country… well, it borders on racism. We idiots are a proud and […]

Speaking of crappy romhacks…

Just what is this Mega Man X: Guns of the Mavericks thing? Is this a real thing? Should I play it?

My experience with romhacks has been that they almost always, universally, overwhelmingly suck. And yet I am continually drawn back to them, like a Morph Moth to a Flame Mammoth. Maybe it’s better that […]

Half-a-story: Beacons

Sometimes stories don’t go anywhere. Here’s one I’ve been tinkering with for a while. I think it’s a neat concept, but if there’s an actual story in here somewhere I’m just not seeing it. (Or, rather, I don’t think any stories utilizing this concept would be cooler than the actual concept itself.)

The first […]

One Week and Counting

I think I might be more excited to play MM10 than I was for MM9. With MM9 there was that lurking suspicion that the game might suck, you know? But now that we know it didn’t we can pretty much look forward to MM10 completely free of apprehension.

There was a time when I would […]

Down With the Sickness

Have you ever had so much mucus in the back of your throat that your gag reflex was sounding the alarms all day long? Because that has been my existence on this fine Sunday!

I don’t really feel sick per se, except for the five or six minutes I spent heaving globs of phlegm into […]

Can’t handle the truth.

Still getting the computer put together, so you get Peemeister a day early! Huzzah!

From 2005 to 2008 I maintained a blog about my experiences working in the drug test industry. Every Sunday I revive one of those experiences here. The following was originally posted August 7, 2007.

Can’t handle the truth. One benefit […]

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, week two

(Note: I got my new computer built and will be spending most of the rest of today configuring it. As a result I’m posting the Survivor update today, and the vlog either tomorrow or Sunday.)

Camp Villain started this episode out in a state of complete disarray because they couldn’t figure out how to […]