Resume Normal Posting

Peanut and I got married! That’s pretty weird.

Outside of that, I think you and I are just going to have to write June ’11 off, dear reader. Planning and executing a wedding is stressful and time-consuming enough when it’s within driving distance, let alone five states away. However, we managed to pull the whole […]

Review: RHEM 4

I didn’t need a single hint. And no, I’m not done talking about this stupid game yet.

Perhaps it is more correct to say that I did need hints, now and again, but was too stubborn to give in to temptation. I hope I didn’t cause my brain any serious, long-lasting damage by forcing it […]

A Thoroughly Detailed Example of a Single Puzzle in RHEM 4

Hi! I took a week off because this is my website and I can do that. And I have bad news: I’m told a server move might be happening this week, which might cause some downtime. And then later this month I’ll be gone for two weeks for dinosaur riding lessons. I might find something […]