How to write an episode of Tru Blood.

Step One: Determine which two characters will interact. The standard method of doing this is to put up a dartboard withthe cast’s pictures on, but in a pinch you may throw a die and consult the following chart:

  1. Sookie
  2. Sam
  3. Bill
  4. Tara
  5. Jason
  6. Lafayette

If you come up with the same character twice, just have that character scream obscenities for some nondescript reason, otherwise move to Step Two.

Step Two: Flip a coin twice and consult the following chart:

  • H/H: Character A breaks down and cries on Character B’s shoulder. They have a touching, bonding moment.
  • H/T: Character A screams and yells at Character B for no clearly defined reason. Make sure Character A leaves the room in a huff and slams the door behind him/her.
  • T/T: Character A and Character B have sex. (If this doesn’t make sense for the chosen characters, make them have sex anyway, but have Lafayette videotape it.)

Step Three: Have we seen some titties yet? If not, show some titties.

Step Four: Cut! Print! That’s a wrap, people!

So, um, yeah. It’s not that I’m disliking this show, exactly… it’s just that if I wanted all this overdramatic he-said/she-said will-they/won’t-they hornswaggle I could just pick up the Friends boxed set and pretend Chandler is a vampire. Hello? Could he be any more sucking on your femoral artery!?

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