What I Read in July

Having a bookstore available at my fingertips 100% of the time isn’t going to do my wallet any favors, but it has done wonders for my reading. I’ve been averaging three or four new books per year for a long time now, a number I was able to clear in a single month thanks to […]

Thoughts on Dance

Having just completed A Dance with Dragons, the only thing my brain wants to do is spill a long, rambling blog post about it. So that’s what I’m going to do. I think I can say what I need to say without SPOILERZ, but please forgive me if two or three slip out.

On the […]

I’m Dancing

I think it goes without saying that I’ve invested every waking moment today in A Dance with Dragons. Plus, in an effort to maximize the number of waking moments I seem to have somehow only gotten a couple hours of sleep. Work tonight is going to be a bear.

I spent the first couple hours […]

Time to Dance (with a grain of salt)

If George R. R. Martin’s publisher is to be believed, A Dance With Dragons will finally be released on July 12. Suffice it to say, I’ll be skeptical right up until I’m holding the book in my very own moist, jittering hands.

This raises an interesting question about the HBO series, though: if it takes […]