First missed update ever!

If you’re a freedom fighter from our robot-blasted future you won’t notice anything is awry, but this blog had its first ever missed daily update yesterday. Sorry about that. If you’re a frequent reader it’s likely you didn’t notice anyway since the server was unavailable. Sorry about that too. I can’t update the site if it’s down any more than you can visit it, so yesterday the site was, like, double disappointing. (Which is at least 1.6x more disappointing than usual.)

All you guys really missed is one of my weekend Peemeister updates, of course. Posting those old blogs is a way for me to keep my daily schedule without actually having to develop new content every day. Of course it’s not infinite; I’m about halfway through my pool of old Peemeister posts and this weekend I’ll be putting up the last Crystalis entry. After that? Who knows. There’s got to be some way of developing halfway-interesting content without having to do any actual work on Saturday. First person to suggest “stick figure webcomic” gets a boot in the eye.

I could use this as an excuse to actually start playing Warhammer in earnest, dredging up an endless supply of MMO content for whatever new character I intend to play. I’m currently spending that $15/mo. on Pixie Stix injections and pony rides, though, and those would be hard to give up.

So yeah, I had this great idea for a shitty FF4 fanfic about why Porom has hot pink hair. I don’t want to inflict that on any of you, but I guess what I’m saying is that in another couple Saturdays I might wake up, have nothing to post, and do something I’ll regret later in a fit of panic.

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