Three More Unrelated Things

Unrelated Thing #1: Mafia is up and running again. Different rules, different game… should be fun. At least now I’ll have something to fill the long nights at work with other than staring blankly at my cubicle wall and slowly going mad.

Unrelated Thing #2: Tonight we watched The Men Who Stare At Goats, a […]

Worldly Wisdom (courtesy of Dove Promises)

Haven’t watched me no Survivor yet this week, so I’ll do this post today and that post Mon/Tuesday-ish.

I lucked into a delicious bag of Dove Promises recently, which are bite-sized peanut butter-filled chocolates. About half way through the bag I noticed they had bite-sized bits of Oprah-style wisdom printed on the inside of their […]

How’s this for an awesome life?

Mega Man 10 on Wii, big bottle of Pepsi and a bag of cheeseburger flavored Doritos. Does life get more gluttonous or self-indulgent than this? I submit that it does not, sir.

Mega Man 10 is, of course, amazing so far. I’ve only seen three levels and I’m already in love. In fact, I want […]

Down With the Sickness

Have you ever had so much mucus in the back of your throat that your gag reflex was sounding the alarms all day long? Because that has been my existence on this fine Sunday!

I don’t really feel sick per se, except for the five or six minutes I spent heaving globs of phlegm into […]

Vlog 028: Celebrating Thanksgiving with bad movies!

The Next Iron Chef is a terrible show.

I have an interesting relationship with the Food Network, in that I find most of its programming enjoyable enough without ever developing the desire to actively engage myself in it. It’s a good place to spend a few hours on a lazy Sunday afternoon, where you can catch Guy Fieri devouring a plate of chili […]

A can of pure joy.

This is my last can of Mountain Dew Throwback. It sits in my refrigerator, taunting me.

Peanut found it while she was cleaning out the fridge recently. It must have rolled back behind some old vegetables or the giant pitcher with one swig of Kool-Aid left in it. Maybe I hid it in a crisper […]

Return of the Throwback

So we get eight more weeks of Throwback this December. I believe the technical term for this development is “groovy”. I know about this comeback because my buddy sent me a text message at 8:14 this morning telling me as much, waking me up at least fifteen minutes before my alarm was set to go […]

The script for Vlog #016!

On Tuesday it was poor time management on my part. On Wednesday it was poor weather. Today it’s poor technology. I don’t know if my little flip camera is crapping out on me, or what, but half of the vlog footage was corrupted and unusable. (The other half was fine, but I kind of don’t […]

There is a vast worldwide conspiracy keeping me from finishing Vlog #016.

Today, it’s the weather. Since this is the only working computer in the house that can edit video I am super-paranoid during storms; at the first sign of thunder it gets powered-down and unplugged. And it’s been thundering out there all day long. Grumblecakes!

Since I don’t have time to get Vlog #016 edited and […]