Time to Dance (with a grain of salt)

If George R. R. Martin’s publisher is to be believed, A Dance With Dragons will finally be released on July 12. Suffice it to say, I’ll be skeptical right up until I’m holding the book in my very own moist, jittering hands.

This raises an interesting question about the HBO series, though: if it takes […]

Vlog #002: Vampires and stuff.

Week two of my vlogging! This week I tackle an actual topic. I’m really not happy with the light or sound quality, but right now all I have to work with is a cheap video camera and a room with no curtains. Hopefully I’ll get this shizzle figured out sooner or later.


Let’s play pea green Bionic Commando!

Another Let’s Play in the can. This one is for the original Game Boy version of Bionic Commando. That I was able to find a Game Boy emulator that actually plays in pea green rather than boring ol’ black and white makes me ridiculously happy.

The game is played at regular speed and has live […]

This new ad on YouTube is horribly deceptive.

First off, I want to object to the first thing I see when I go to YouTube being a kid puking out a hideous poop tendril. Used to be the first thing I saw when I loaded up YouTube was a list of all my subscriptions which had updated, which is great. Last week […]