I dub thee…

Depending on your point of view I am either skewering my dog in this picture, or knighting him.

That sword happens to be Needle, Arya Stark’s sword from A Song of Ice and Fire. It’s… not very much how I imagined it from the books. I think I was picturing something more similar to a rapier, but in retrospect that isn’t very realistic seeing as how neither the person who commissioned the sword nor the person who smelted it had ever met a rapier.

As for whether or not this could actually be Arya Stark’s sword… I don’t know. Arya is seven years old in the first book. Needle is short and light; I’m confident a seven-year-old could weild it, and I’m confident a seven-year-old could kill someone with it. I’m not confident a seven-year-old could conceal it the way Arya does in the books. It’s three feet long and would be fairly bulky if you were only four or five feet tall. In the books Arya is described as hiding Needle under her cloak while wearing a stick-sword on her waist. I don’t believe an actual child could hide this sword and have it remain undetected for as long as Arya did.

The sword is purely decorative and, sadly, it doesn’t glow blue when orcses are near. Wait, no, I’m mixing my fiction. I’d better get to sleep.

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