One Week and Counting

I think I might be more excited to play MM10 than I was for MM9. With MM9 there was that lurking suspicion that the game might suck, you know? But now that we know it didn’t we can pretty much look forward to MM10 completely free of apprehension.

There was a time when I would have hated seeing dorky bosses like Strike Man, Pump Man and Sheep Man… but now I kind of can’t imagine the game without them. It’s hard to articulate, but I can tell the difference between the “trying to be cool but still obviously running low on ideas” bosses from the latter NES games and the “they’re going to turn out cheesy anyway so might as well go full-hog” bosses of MM9/10.

I still don’t excuse the “dorky and they know they’re dorky” bosses from MM7/8/&B, though.

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