Revenge of the Three Unrelated Things

The First: I’m playing way too many Final Fantasy games right now to not do an in-depth blog-thing about it. The last of the Peemeister backlog goes up this weekend, so I’ll start my Final Fantasy whatever the weekend after that. I’m excited about it, but then I get excited about every silly thing I do.

The Second: Peanut forced me into Target yesterday to buy a copy of The Princess and the Frog. I’m glad she did, because they had eight cases of Pepsi and/or Mountain Dew Throwback sitting on the shelf. Woo hoo!

The Third: Speaking of Peanut, it was her and my fourth anniversary yesterday. She made me a nice little scrapbook full of movie stubs and pictures of our dog. More pictures exist of that five-pounds-of-dog than from the past few years than of me throughout my entire life. It’s creepy, is what it is.

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