Another Frickin’ Lost Update

This post contains Lost spoilers, etc.

I am pretty bummed that Eko went and for-real died. He was too interesting a character to lose so quickly after his introduction. (Yes, I’m prepared to call one season’s worth of appearances “quickly”, in a series with six seasons.)

Man, I really hope they replace the bad-ass Nigerian gangster/priest with a bog-standard lifeless couple that could literally have come from any TV show in existence. Why, that would be just peachy.

The series has more-or-less settled into a cycle of continuously discovering new characters who have been on the island “all along”. I estimate the population of the island at this point in season three is somewhere around 35,000. I can suspend my disbelief when it comes to the bizarre sci-fi elements, but I’m just not buying that Crazy Jungle Lady has been out there for sixteen years without ever once finding evidence an inhabited, well-defended, well-provisioned bungalow inhabited by a sinister-looking one-eyed man.

Let’s put a flashlight on this. We’re supposed to believe that Danielle has been out there for nearly two decades searching for her lost daughter, without ever leaving an area of about one day’s walking distance from her dirt shack. Michael was more productive in finding his lost child in the span of about a dozen episodes, having done nothing but wander around aimlessly crying out his son’s name, shooting two people, and selling out a fat guy.

Michael wins!

Hurley got a VW van working, and Sawyer got to drink some twenty-year-old beer, but none of that seemed to be at all relevant or important in the grand scheme of things. Or was it really the most important episode of all!?

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