Minecraft Griefing is Really Funny

As much as I hate pawning off the task of entertaining you people onto someone else, I don’t actually hate that so I’m going to do it today. Primarily because I’ve been awake for 27 hours, the past eleven of which have been spent going crazy in Castlevania, but also because these cats on YouTube have raised Minecraft griefing to an art form and I think everyone should be aware of it.

Click for hilariousness!

The level of dedication seen in these videos is truly inspirational. This isn’t just the typical “lol i punched holes in ur wallz” griefing you see in other Minecraft videos. No, these guys steal unstealable items, burn unburnable buildings, and recruit former targets into future shenanigans. All in the name of lulz.

Of course, now that I’ve linked their videos up, I fully expect to log into my Minecraft server tomorrow and find nothing left but a smoking crater and a sign saying “Avo wuz here”. And perhaps… perhaps it’s for the best. Minecraft has really been cutting into my Castlevania time, lately.

4 comments to Minecraft Griefing is Really Funny

  • ShifterChaos

    Wait. Just wait. You say you have a minecraft server, and that you log in regularly enough to distract you from vampire slaying… What, might I ask, is this servers id? This is purely for non-minecraft related purposes you see, I am just curious…

    PS. I build good things. Love you long time.

  • Your Daddy

    Shut up dick! Your Castlevania has been interfering with your Minecraft time not the other way around! I haven’t seen you on the server in a week!

    ……you know what, maybe I’ll blow up your house and leave a sign that says, “Courtesy of the Ventrue ‘Hit Squad'”

    • ShifterChaos

      Or just say, “What a terrible night for a curse.” Then fill his house with zombies… that will teach him!

      (or just scare him away from the server altogether.

  • G’Day! Scibbe,
    Thanks for the info, Where can I download a good minecraft griefing kit? It’s not for wanton destruction, I swear. But I got kicked unjustly from a server yesterday by an idiot admin and I want some payback. Instructions for installation would also be appreciated if the process is complicated.
    All the Best

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