Super Metroid Rando > Symphony of the Night Rando

Super Metroid is a nonlinear exploration-based platformer from the ’90s. It is one of my favorite games of all time. It has a randomizer which helps to keep the game fresh and interesting, and even after dozens of seeds I’m thirsty for more.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a nonlinear exploration-based platformer from the ’90s. It is one of my favorite games of all time. It has a randomizer which helps to keep the game fresh and interesting, but after only a couple of runs I’ve seen everything it can do and am tired of playing it.

Wait, that doesn’t make any sense.

Randomizers and Gating

One of the ways game randomizers keep things fresh and interesting is by using gating. In the vanilla game you need to kill the Dog Boss to get the Dog Key and open the Dog Door, or whatever. Any progression beyond the Dog Door is locked off until you do this. What a randomizer does is take the Dog Key, Lizard Key, and Ferret Key and puts them into a big sack, then shakes the sack up and redistributes the keys to the Dog Boss, Lizard Boss, and Ferret Boss. The vanilla game usually has you fighting Dog -> Lizard -> Ferret, and there are implications for exploring the game in that intended order. The randomizer has you fighting these three bosses in some arbitrary order, though, depending on what blocks your path to them, so you have to explore things quite a bit differently.

If a game really does only have three gates (Dog/Lizard/Ferret) the rando options aren’t going to be very robust. You go fight whatever boss is available from the start, use the key you get to reach whatever boss it allows you to reach, then use the next key you get to reach whatever boss it allows you to reach, then go win the game. Six total paths and you’ve kind of seen everything the rando can throw at you.

The more gates a game has, the more robust the randomizer can be, and the more potential paths you’ll have to expore as you play through seed after seed. The nuts and bolts of the concept can get a lot more complicated than this, but it serves as a good starting point for these two games. What a rando typically does is looks at all the gates in the game and builds a path from the start (where you have nothing) to the end (where you win) by placing one item at a time, keeping in mind what its already placed and what can be reached after each step. An item placed on your path in this way is said to be “in logic”.

Gates in Super Metroid

What’s in logic in Super Metroid? Let’s break it down to just the mission-critical stuff you absolutely need to beat the game. To get almost anywhere in Super Metroid you need to use different kinds of ammunition to open doors and break blocks. Missiles, Super Missiles, and Power Bombs are required to make any progress in any direction. You also need the Morphing Ball to traverse certain areas and to lay Power Bombs. Even the wackiest seeds are pretty reserved until you have this basic set. For the rest, let’s start at the end and work backwards.

(I’m using a pretty loose definition of “need” here. With glitches you can go “out of logic” and skip gates in a variety of ways, and you can usually configure your rando so this sort of thing is required. I’ll be ignoring glitches for purposes of this text.)

To win the game you must destroy Motherbrain. This requires three Energy Tanks to survive her candy laser. In addition, to kill any boss in Super Metroid, you need either enough ammunition (Missiles/Super Missiles/Power Bombs) to deplete their HP, or the Charge Beam.

To reach Motherbrain you need to destroy the other four major bosses: Kraid, Phantoon, Draygon, and Ridley.

Reaching Kraid and Phantoon requires nothing special beyond the basic set.

Reaching Draygon requires the basic set plus the Gravity Suit to move through Maridia’s water, and the Speed Booster, as there is a hallway filled with speed blocks along the path. Also, the Space Jump is required to get out of Draygon’s room once you’ve killed her.

Reaching Ridley requires all of the above plus the Varia to keep Norfair’s heated rooms from damaging you.

The final list is:

  • 3 Energy Tanks
  • Morphing Ball
  • at least a few Missiles/Super Missiles/Power Bombs
  • either lots of ammo or the Charge Beam
  • Speed Booster
  • Gravity Suit
  • Space Jump
  • Varia

In a rando, once you have everything you need to complete the game, you’re in “Go Mode” because now you can go win.

This is only about half of the possible items in Super Metroid, and depending on your seed other items might be required. For example, there’s one item hidden behind a block destroyed with the Grapple Beam; if one of the above items is located there, the Grapple Beam is in logic and you’ll have to find it. In addition, even items that are out of logic are almost always helpful in your seed; the Hi-Jump Boots are never required, but they make moving around the game world a lot easier.

The keys to making these gates work are: 1) there are lots of items in Super Metroid, and any of them could be something you need; 2) every major item you find expands the list of places you can now check; and 3) once you’re in Go Mode there’s very little left to do except kill the bosses and win.

Super Metroid randos are great exercises in routing, problem solving, and application of game knowledge. It’s not really possible to be bored because, even if you’re in Go Mode, the boss fights don’t take very long and aren’t trivial to win with low item counts. It’s not uncommon for a player in Go Mode to keep looking for items anyway, for more energy and ammo.

Gates in Symphony of the Night

Symphony of the Night is a much larger game than Super Metroid in terms of physical space to explore, number of bosses to face, and the hero’s range of action. Why then is the experience so boring? Let’s break down the game’s logic.

To win the game you must destroy Shaft and Dracula. To open the room where they dwell you need the five Vlad relics: Eye, Ring, Tooth, Rib, and Heart. You also need to be able to physically reach and move around in the Inverted Castle.

To reach the Inverted Castle you must defeat Richter with the Holy Glasses equipped.

To reach Richter you must have some form of flight: Soul of Bat or Gravity Boots plus some “midair item”.

The final list is:

  • Eye of Vlad
  • Ring of Vlad
  • Tooth of Vlad
  • Rib of Vlad
  • Heart of Vlad
  • Holy Glasses
  • some way to fly, either:
    • Soul of Bat or
    • Gravity Boots + a “midair item”

(A “midair item” is anything Alucard can do in the air, including the Leap Stone’s double jump, any weapon with a thrust move usable in the air, or any transformation. Doing any of these things puts him into a midair state that lets him jump repeatedly with the Gravity Boots.)

This is a really tiny list of relics. Depending on your seed and settings, other items may be required. For example, there are some item checks behind a switch in a cave only the Demon Familiar can open. If any of the above items are there, Demon Familiar is in your logic.

But now we start seeing problems.

Unlike Super Metroid, very few of the items in Symphony’s logic actually expand the player’s moveset. The Vlad relics all raise your stats, but nothing is ever gated behind having a high stat. Most relics that do open gates only open one specific gate. The Holy Glasses only get you through the Richter fight; they have no implication on gameplay other than that. Other items, like the Jewel of Open, Merman Statue, and Spike Breaker similarly only serve to open certain rooms but not actually alter the hero’s moveset at all.

Once you can fly, you can go just about anywhere in the castle you want. And once you can get passed Richter, you’re in Go Mode… except you’re not. You’re in “Almost Go Mode”. Flight is the only meaningful way Symphony’s map ever opens up. Once you have it, you really just need to find the last couple Vlad relics and then go win.

Being in “Almost Go Mode” is boring. It’d be boring enough if it were just five arbitrary items you had to seek out that could be anywhere, but it’s actually worse than that. Since there are still lots of “key-and-lock” style relics the game likes to daisy chain them into long strings requiring a lot of backtracking. Your last Vlad item might be behind a grate, which requires Form of Mist, which is behind a spike room, which requires Spike Breaker, which is behind the floodgate, which requires Merman Statue, which is behind some other door locked by some other item that exists only to open that one door.

Early Symphony seeds are pretty fun, since you’re usually fighting through the first few levels with weird equipment you’d never use in the normal game, but even this little bit of randomness is devalued because you have access to all your spells as soon as you have MP to cast them. You very quickly end up with flight, since about 80% of the map is inaccessible without it in some form, and from there it’s Almost Go Mode. You full-clear each area of the castle to identify the areas you’ll need to daisy chain later, then you daisy chain, then you finally go win.

In general…

I’ve played lots of randomizers for lots of games. In general, you reach a point where you just need one more item for Go Mode, and it can be in any of a couple dozen places. In Symphony you reach a point where you need three or five uninteresting items, and they can be in any of a hundred places.

Restricting Checks

Someone will point this out if I don’t, so I guess I’d better. Most of this post has been written under the assumption you’re playing Adventure Mode in the randomizer. This is a mode which means any item (including in-logic progression items) can spawn in any spot where the base game has any kind of equippable item. There’s another mode that limits your in-logic progression to just those locations in the base game which had relics. This reduces the total number of checks by a great deal.

It doesn’t fix the problem, though, because there are so many “useless” relics in Symphony. Most of the relics you can find just aren’t that interesting, by which I mean they don’t open up any new checks. Your checks are still spread out across the entire castle, many of them are still gated behind boring key-and-lock pairs, and many of them only serve as keys to open singular locks.

Not-Adventure Mode also has huge locations in the castle which are always useless. If there’s not a relic in a location, there’s no reason to ever check there. The result is you tend to always check the same areas in the same order, ignoring the same pointless areas each time. You don’t get cool/weird moments like “Oh wow, I actually have to go to Reverse Library this seed!”

What can be done?

Most randos I’ve played launch in a pretty boring state, but get better over time. I think there’s potential for Symphony too. In fact I hope there is, because I love Symphony and a good rando of it will be on my plate for a very long time.

Like everything in life, I think the solution is to steal. Other randos I play regularly have ideas I think would be great additions to Symphony, providing they’re possible to implement and the developer actually has the will to implement them.

Door Rando

VARIA, the Super Metroid randomizer I use, has an excellent option to randomize areas. The game world is broken down into nine large chunks, and the entrances and exits of those chunks lead to random places. For example, the door that usually takes you from Crateria to Tourian might lead to Lower Norfair instead.

What this adds to the rando is a sense of needing to first place all the locations and the connections between them, then actually work your way through the levels in an order you’re probably not used to. It also adds to the list of interesting checks: doors are now on the menu.

In Symphony, red doors lead either to new areas or to warp rooms. There are two castles, each with twelve sections, and each with five warp rooms. There are lots of red doors, some of which are one-way until you pass through them once. Include options to scramble each castle individually, or both together. Now instead of the tired Entrance -> Alchemy Lab -> Marble Gallery -> Outer Wall -> Library path literally every rando seed goes through, you might have to fight through part of a tougher level to get anywhere useful.

The first area of the game (the Entrance) has two red doors accessible immediately (in a door rando, we should remove the one-way wall next to the area warp room), one red door accessible if you can gravity jump or fly, and one red door that’s a one-way exit from another area. With some logic that ensures all areas are accessible and all doors get used, this option alone could make every run unique.

This sort of randomization does devalue the Holy Glasses a little bit. If you scramble the two castles together, it would be possible to reach the Reverse Keep through some other door, and now Richter isn’t a required fight anymore. And it doesn’t do much to solve the problem of some areas not being useful; the Reverse Library is still a dead end and there’s still nothing there.

Incentivized Locations

This was similar to a problem the Final Fantasy rando had early on. In that game, some locations just aren’t useful to visit and people never went to them. You could reasonably finish the rando by going to the same list of locations every time, and avoiding the ones you knew didn’t have anything. They fixed it by slightly expanding the pool of Good Items (which includes your in-logic progression items) and then hand-picking a couple of interesting but seldom-visited locations and flagging them as “there might be a Good Item here”.

Symphony has lots of good candidates for this. Leave in the current Adventure Mode (where anything could be in basically any room) for people who want it, but include this middle ground “Relics and Incentivized Locations” option as an alternative. Good places to incentivize would be behind both gear puzzles, the underwater (or overwater, I guess) cave, the secret elevator in the Outer Wall, the wolf/bat puzzles in the Merman room, the stopwatch clock room in the inverted castle, the Grapes that drop in the Chapel’s confessional, and Richter Belmont’s room. (This isn’t an exhaustive list, just a few examples.)

That last one is important. Because he wouldn’t block progression if you randomize locations, we can keep him in logic by maybe locking a Good Item behind him.

Picking memorable out-of-the-way locations is key, but we should also try to pick locations that are in-character for Symphony as a game. One of the relic locations is in the game’s shop, which I think is a good idea. Keep that as an incentivized location. Also, let’s pick a monster with a really good drop everyone knows about, like the Shmoo, and make it’s common drop an incentivized check. This is well in the spirit of Symphony‘s drop system, shouldn’t be too obnoxious (it only takes a few tries to get Shmoo to drop Ramen in the base game), and makes LCK-up items valuable for this one check.

Other very Symphony-ish spots with incentive potential are the first item that drops out of the Librarian’s chair when you jump into him, or the item you get when the Sword familiar levels up enough. Maybe the second or third item you spawn with a Meal Ticket is hard-coded to be an incentivized location. An excellent idea might be to put an incentivized spot inside pool of items that drop out of candles, which turns the Cube of Zoe into a progression item itself.

(I don’t mean pick one random candle somewhere in the castle, I mean pick one particular candle drop, say Rebound Rock, and replace all of them with the progression item. First time you break a candle with one of these items you get your progression and know you can stop whacking candles. After you get it, future candles will only drop Rebound Rocks.)

These are fun things — or maybe annoying but still distinctly Symphony things — that can open up the possibility space without just making the player run across the whole castle again.

More Item Pools

Right now the Symphony rando only has two pools of items: Relics and Progression Items, and Everything Else. (Actually for the sake of Adventure Mode I think the rando recognizes equippable and non-equippable items as separate things, but for all practical purposes they just make up one big pool of basically trash.) We can leave that in for people who want to keep the searching space huge, but we can also add an option to tighten it up.

I propose three tiers: Good Items (anything that can block progression, minus the Vlad relics, plus a few good pieces of equipment like Duplicator or Dracula Tunic), Boss Items (all non-progression familiars and transformation power-ups, the five Vlad relics, then enough Life Up and Heart Up items to make up the difference), and Everything Else (everything else).

Relic spots and/or incentivized locations as outlined above contain Good Items. Boss Items drop only off of bosses. Everything else is just laying around the castle, including most of the equipment and Life Up items you’ll use.

Fighting bosses in Symphony is already seen as the de-facto major goal of the game, outside of “win the game”. I know when I play vanilla Symphony I like to fight and kill all the bosses at the very least. They already block progression in the sense that they block off certain areas of the castle, so they don’t need to drop progression items. They’re a good spot to hide other power-up items you probably won’t need, but might be nice to have.

The real smart bit here is, once you’re in “Almost Go Mode”, you can stop hunting through every corner of the castle and just start slaughtering bosses. By the time you reach “Almost Go Mode” you’ll probably have half the bosses down anyway, and reducing the search space to just the rest of them makes the boring back half of seeds go more quickly. It also presents a potentially fun routing challenge: “Oh, that’s Almost Go Mode! What’s the best path between here and Dracula that takes me through as many boss rooms as possible to find my last two Vlad items?”

Two bosses should drop Good Items instead: Richter Belmont and the Succubus. The former requires a Good Item to fight properly, so should give a Good Item in return, and the latter gives a Good Item both in the base game and the current rando.

More Doors

If all of the above is implemented, we’ve inadvertantly added another problem. (Turns out randomizers are complicated. Who knew!) If we remove Richter from progression by doing some sort of door shuffle, then you’re in “Almost Go Mode” as soon as you find a door leading to the Black Marble Gallery. This reduces the entire rando to just a boss hunt. This would still be better than the current rando, but most seeds would probably wind up that way.

Currently in the vanilla game there are a few kinds of blockades requiring specific items:

  • bookshelves you can open just by pushing on them,
  • blue doors requiring the Jewel of Open,
  • grates requiring Form of Mist,
  • tight locations too small for Alucard to fight through, such as the hallway outside of Orlok, which require some form of transformation to squeeze through,
  • switches the Demon Familiar can open, and
  • spiked areas requiring the Spike Breaker.

(The latter would have to be solid walls with spikes on both sides, so you couldn’t mist or i-frame through them like you can in the Chapel hallway, and ensure you really do spike-break through them.)

Anywhere in the game that currently has one of these blockades could be randomized to be any of these six, instead. So you wouldn’t know what’s blocking off Orlok’s room (or Akmodan’s room) until you visited there and looked. Now we have a risk/reward decision: if you have lots of key items, you should go look. If you only have one or two, you might get lucky, or it might only give you information so you can backtrack later.

We could arbitrarily add as many of these blockades to the game as we want, but that would be really annoying. A few key locations might be appropriate though. The entrance tunnel to both Succubus areas (especially if the inverted version is incentivized) would be good spots. Maybe the path in the Catacombs leading to Granfaloon/Galamoth. And then the three entrances into the inverted clock room: the far side of each Guardian hallway, and just outside the door leading to Black Wing’s Lair.

Now you’re guaranteed to need at least flight and one other door-opening item from the castle to reach the clock room, instead of only flight. Or at least to find an alternate path through the castle so you can access a door you do have the key for. Or maybe get lucky and just push a bookshelf for two seconds! (You’d still need the Vlad items, but you’re already out boss hunting to find flight and your key, right?)


This all turns Symphony into a better treasure hunt with more interesting gates and more complex logic to explore, but the game is still probably not threatening to most players familiar with it. I like my randos nice and troll-y. What else can we do?

Take a page from Link to the Past and randomize enemy locations. Everywhere the game has an enemy, put a potentially different enemy. This would dramatically change the layout of many rooms in the castle, especially early in the seed before you have Wing Smash. This works really well to spice up Zelda dungeons you’ve cleared a hundred times. It’d work just as well in the Clock Tower. Maybe even better, considering how many Symphony locations follow some template of “just plop a few enemies in the way”.

There should be three levels of this:

1) Shuffle Enemy Types. Each enemy type in the castle is replaced with some other enemy type, and each is used exactly once. The mass of Dark Octupuses in the Reverse Caverns turns into a mass of Stone Roses instead.

2) Shuffle Enemies. Each individual enemy in the castle is replaced by one enemy from elsewhere, preserving their populations. One of the Dark Octupuses can be a Stone Rose, but they can’t all be, because there aren’t enough Stone Roses in the castle to fill the spots.

3) Full Randomization. Each individual enemy in the castle is replaced by one other enemy, with no regard to population. The Dark Octupuses can turn into literally anything, including all Guardians or Blue Venus Weeds or whatever other horrible thing. (This might be sufficiently troll-y that we have to incentivize the location, now!)

A few enemies can’t be randomized in this way, like the gorilla skeleton that breaks the wooden bridge, and probably anything that infinitely spawns (Mermen and Medusa Heads). And we should probably leave Yorick alone too. Homeboy has enough to deal with.

If the Shmoo has an incentivized drop, #3 might be a problem. Maybe run the randomization as normal, then randomly pick five individual enemies in the world and turn them into Shmoos.

Boss Randomization and Scaling

Final Fantasy IV: Free Enterprise does something incredible with bosses: it randomizes their locations and then scales their stats to match the location where you find them. If Odin, an endgame boss that is usually very difficult, rolls into the position where you normally fight the Mist Dragon, the game’s first boss, you get to fight a very weak version of Odin. This makes for some interesting fights, in both directions.

Obviously this would be harder to implement in Symphony. You’d probably need to build a few possible boss pools based on the size of the rooms where you fight them, then shuffle the ones in similarly-sized rooms between each other. This works well on paper at least, because almost every boss room in the game is used twice; Karusamon and Darkwing Bat are both fought in the 1×1 screen room at the end of the Clock Tower.

The scaling could probably play it pretty straight; if Doppelganger10 rolls into Hippogriff’s room, it gets Hippogriff’s stats but keeps Doppel10’s move set. Maybe Galamoth rolls into the Slogra/Gaibon room and you get a silly super-easy version, then later Granfaloon rolls into Galamoth’s room and you get a super grueling match against a pile of zombies.

In actual practice, most of the bosses in Symphony are jokes, except the first two you fight: Slogra/Gaibon and Doppelganger10. These bosses are still jokes (they’re early game bosses) but in some seeds you have to fight them with bad equipment, so you’re required to at least be awake. Fighting a low-level version of Orlok or Medusa might be interesting if only because you actually have to watch their moveset for a change.

We should leave Richter and Succubus out of this, and maybe have a special option to leave Galamoth out as well. I suspect even a low-stat version of Galamoth would be impenetrable if he’s literally blocking all your progression and all you have is a Basilard.

Make Spells Items

The other reason boss fights in most seeds are trivial is Alucard very quickly has enough MP to cast high-damage magic spells which auto-target enemies. Most bosses just have no answer for this. In the vanilla game these were soft-gated behind button combinations a new player wouldn’t know, but everyone playing rando certainly knows them.

Instead of the magic scroll items just being there to show the button combo, let’s have an option to make them unlock the spells instead. You can’t cast Tetra Spirit until you find its scroll, even if you have the MP and know the combo.

I’m thinking three options: Default Spells (you can use them as soon as you have the MP), Boss Items (replace Life-Ups in the Boss Item pool with spell scrolls until they’re all placed), or Everything Else (scrolls are just in the castle somewhere, like most other equipment.)

Three spells in particular — Tetra Spirit, Soul Steal, and Wing Smash — are probably good enough we could mix them in with the Good Items instead. Or maybe that could be a separate option.

Faerie Scroll and Spirit Orb

In the vanilla game, these two relics just display information when you hit enemies, and have no other function. They are mechanically useless. Is there a way to turn them into progression without just arbitrarily making them some new dumb thing? I think the easiest way is to just let the player start with them. Seeing enemy names and damage is pretty basic functionality.

Or maybe we can get creative. If we added in the random blockades above, here’s a seventh: a type of door that only opens when hit by a certain elemental attack. What kind of attack? We don’t know until we hit the door and see what it’s called. (It’d have to be implemented as a solid enemy immune to all damage, like the Stone Skull, or something.) If you find such a door and have the Faerie Scroll, you can attack it and see the phrase “will open if burned”. Then you know to hit it with a fire weapon or attack. If you’re late in the seed and have amassed quite a lot of equipment, you could also just try a bunch of stuff until something works. This kind of check would also reward some esoteric game knowledge about elemental weaknesses that usually isn’t tested at all, and also provides at least a little value to the boatlod of junk the player picks up all over the place.

There might be a way to make one of these doors open in such a way that knowing how much damage you deal per swing is useful. I can’t think of a workable one right now that isn’t stupid, though. Maybe it’s okay we leave one mechanically useless relic in the Good Items pool.

In-game Hints

Many randos offer in-game hints to help point you to important checks. Symphony is such a huge game, with such a big search space, and it’s full of NPC cutscenes people just skip. Let’s have an option that removes those cutscenes and their terrible voice acting, and replaces them with some potentially useful text.

“There’s a Vlad relic above the Entrance.”
“The Floating Catacombs contains a power for your transformation.”
“Nova Skeleton has a powerful sword.”

Lots of these cutscenes are already gated behind progression. The boss fight in the Coliseum, for example, requires some way to get up through the passage into Orlok’s Quarters. Gaining info about where to go — or where not to — would be an especially helpful addition to Adventure Mode, where the player has to otherwise check every room.

In my experience, randos with hint systems tend to involve checking every room anyway, but hey, we have these cutscenes, we might as well do something with them.

Alt Win Condition: Death’s Collection

At the beginning of Symphony, Death steals all your cool items and runs off. (In vanilla this is all the Alucard gear, but in rando it’s some random set of equipment.) Let’s have an alternate win condition where all five Vlad relics are guaranteed to be hidden behind Death’s room in the Cave, but he refuses to fight you unless you’re wearing the exact equipment set he stole at the beginning. If you’re wearing anything else he just scolds you, tells you what you’re missing (but not where it is!) then teleports you out.

If you show up wearing the exact gear he stole, he’ll fight you as normal, but he disables your pause button so you can’t swap out for better gear during the fight.

Since all the Vlad relics are back there, you’re hunting for six random things instead of five. (Weapon, shield, armor, hat, cloak, accessory.) And it guarantees at least one boss fight where you can’t use broken gear or item spam. (Unless you happened to start with broken gear, of course.)

For the truly masochistic, let’s add yet another type of door — Death’s Door — that can roll into any of the above blockade spots, and only opens if you’ve completed Death’s collection. If that door is in your logic, you have to hunt for eleven arbitrary items instead of just five or six. That’s at least the equivalent of a Link to the Past pedestal seed!

Or maybe I’m dumb!

Any or all of these ideas might be terrible, unworkable, or just plain impossible to implement. I have no idea. I know they work pretty well in other randos, but as with the comparison to Super Metroid what works in other randos might not translate well into Symphony. I do hope the rando continues development, and I do hope one day they get it into a state where I find it fun to play. As it stands, Symphony of the Night Randomizer is going to be a Sometimes Game for me. Even at its worst, it’s still Symphony, which means it’s still pretty good to just dust off and play.

But man, I would love it to be something I play three times a week.

Useful Links

You can try Symphony of the Night Randomizer here:

You can try Super Metroid VARIA Randomizer here:

You can try Link to the Past Randomizer here:

You can try Final Fantasy IV: Free Enterprise here:

You can try Final Fantasy Randomizer here:

I will not provide you with ROMs, please don’t ask. Thanks for reading!

3 comments to Super Metroid Rando > Symphony of the Night Rando

  • Red Silvers

    Certainly you have a lot more rando experience than me, so your feedback as a bigger fan of randos in general really interests me.

  • Drathnoxis

    I like the idea of randomizers, but I have so many games that I haven’t played yet and so little time that I can’t justify playing the same game over enough times to make it worth it.

  • Violet Broregarde

    I like the spells-as-items idea, maybe they could have individual charges like FFXV

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