I don’t use bookmarks.

Every web browser ever invented has a bookmark or favorites feature. I never use them. Rather, I’ve just developed the habit of typing the first two letters into the URL bar, then down and enter.. I think it takes less time than opening the bookmarks menu and digging out the site I want to visit.

The effect this has is that my weird nerd-brain ends up identifying my favorite websites by the first two or three letters of their URLs. “Hey Brickroad, what are your favorite sites?” “Oh, you know. YO, GA, XK, PE, WI and HO. I really like HO a lot.”

Firefox also has a neat search-plugin so I don’t ever have to actually visit GO. Yay Firefox!

Nanaca Crash is a Flash game that pops up on my radar every so often, as it did today. I think my best score is something like seven or eight thousand, which is respectible but nowhere near the absolutely insane distances people get and upload to YouTube.

It’s a cool game, and it’s nowhere near as random as it looks at first glance. Because your first couple dozen tries (if you stick with it for that long) will be absurdly short, it’s easy to get the impression that the game is all about your initial launch. All your gamer instincts are telling you to launch up and forward as fast as you can go, which isn’t a bad strategy so much as it’s not a particularly good one. In reality it’s all about which characters you hit and when, so the in practice it’s better to launch yourself directly forward and hope someone awesome is standing there in order to kick-start your game as soon as possible.

Of course sometimes that causes snafus like this:

Where’s that Price is Right sound effect? It seems particularly apt here.

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