Good Times Day

Yesterday was a pretty amazing day.

First off, I started my new job! Having been laid off since… oh, a couple days before I started this site back in February it felt amazing to finally get back out there and do something productive. The severely reduced financial burden and the eventual acquisition of health and dental insurance is pretty much just gravy.

To celebrate my return to the workforce, my beloved Peanut surprised me with a gift of a brand new PSP and Dissidia: Final Fantasy which, despite being exhausted from lack of sleep and aformentioned new job I happily spent several hours devouring. I’ll probably discuss both the game and the PSP at greater length in future posts.

Finally, it looks like that goddamn malware attack warning has finally evaporated. That was starting to really bug me (and, by extension, everyone I was constantly bugging about it).

This blog has helped keep me sane during the brutal months of stress, financial insecurity and humiliating job searches that go along with unemployment. It sounds sappy but really committing to putting something here every single day gave me a sense of purpose and a reason to get out of bed in the morning. (Er, or in the afternoon, as the case may be.)

I would like to think I can keep the daily updates going even though my free time is going to be reduced, and even though what remains of it can once again be filled with the plentiful gaming that comes along with a loosened budget. I’ve always had more ideas than will to execute them, and this site has helped turned that around a bit. I’d love to see where, if anywhere, it takes me.

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