More Rock Band, again.

I forget if I ranted on here about why this Beatles Rock Band game is going to suck. I won’t go into that. I will say, though, that the stuff that’s coming out about LEGO Rock Band more than makes up for it. Initial reports of it being a “family friendly” music game led me to believe its playlist was going to be something out of Kidz Bop, but that seems to not be the case. This song list looks very solid and contains the Ghostbusters theme. What kind of stone-hearted monster wouldn’t want to plastic-guitar out to some Ghostbusters? A damned mongrel, that’s what kind.

Best of all, it’s all going to be exportable. That wild swooshing sound you’re going to hear on November 30th is a million gamers buying a copy, using the export code, and then immediately selling the disc back to Gamestop. Except me. I’ll be keeping mine for two reasons: first, I’m an achievement whore. And second, I’m holding out hope that the export feature works both ways, and that my playlist will function inside LEGO Rock Band as well. I could totally get behind the idea of little LEGO guys being my default band.

A quick calculation reveals I’ve spent almost $250 on Rock Band DLC in the past year. Every dime of it was well-spent. I can’t think of another game I’ve played this consistently; Rock Band gets picked up at least once a week in my house. Not even World of Warcraft had that kind of track record.

3 comments to More Rock Band, again.

  • fanboymaster

    I can see disliking the inability to import songs from Beatles Rock Band, but I wouldn’t say that makes it a bad game. Care to elaborate? At the very least it prevents disasters like the Kurt Cobain one currently happening with Guitar Hero 5.

    • Brickroad

      It sucks because six months from now when I’ve imported LEGO Rock Band and my playlist crests 350 songs the Beatles disc will be sitting on my shelf collecting dust, played out and mined for achievements. A year from now I’ll still be playing Bon Jovi and David Bowie and Jethro Tull, but an exclusive Beatles playlist will require a power cycle and a round of invites.

      It sucks because I’ll play it then be done with it, just like every other game. What I love most about Rock Band is that it isn’t like every other game.

  • fanboymaster

    I guess my priorities are just different because I don’t have any internet friends that play Rock Band, so it doesn’t require infrastructure to get the game going, just a minute’s patience. Oh well, them’s the breaks.

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