A can of pure joy.

This is my last can of Mountain Dew Throwback. It sits in my refrigerator, taunting me.

Peanut found it while she was cleaning out the fridge recently. It must have rolled back behind some old vegetables or the giant pitcher with one swig of Kool-Aid left in it. Maybe I hid it in a crisper drawer myself months ago, armed with the knowledge that Throwback would be going away and wanting to erect one last, shining beacon of hope to light up my dreary existence.

Whatever the reason, it’s my last twelve ounces of salvation. Every single day I almost guzzle it down. But I always stay my hand. I can’t decide whether it’s better to savor it, to have one fleeting moment of enjoyment, or to keep it secured and unmolested in the fridge, a potential promise of one future fleeting moment of enjoyment.

Today my obsession with this conundrum grew to the point where I took a picture of it. At least I’ll always have that, in case I crack under the pressure and consume the beverage in question during some panicked moment of weakness.

Sometimes I worry that I’m not as well-adjusted as I like to think I am.

5 comments to A can of pure joy.

  • Sarcasmorator

    I went through this with a can of Storm.

    Drink it.

  • Cyrael

    This stuff must not have hit it off in Utah. I see tons of it at the local grocer every time we go.

  • ShakeWell

    Drink it. If you don’t drink it soon, it will go funky by the time you do want to drink it, and that will make you sad. Can’t you get, like, Mexican Mountain Dew or something? Mexican Coke has real sugar still, and is easily available.

  • fanboymaster

    What separates Throwback from regular Mountain Dew? I’ve never really drank either.

  • fanboymaster

    Wikipedia says there’s a third party bottling plant that makes Mountain Dew with actual Cane Sugar, if it’s to be believed there are places that sell it over the internets.

    Maybe next time I’ll research first, then ask questions.

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