Yet Another Lost Update

If you’re wondering where the heroines finale post is, the answer is that I chose to spend this past Saturday night getting caught up with NaNoWriMo instead of writing it. Which isn’t to say I’m actually caught up with NaNoWriMo; I’m not. But that’s what I spent Saturday doing.

A few folks have cornered me and asked about my progress through Lost, though, so I’ll spend today talking about that. It should go without saying that these Lost posts are just going to get more and more spoil-y as time goes on. I’m not quite sleep-deprived enough today to drag out the Spoiler Gnome, though, so here’s your warning: this post contains spoilers for Lost Season Two.

We’re closing in on the end of Season Two, and have just had a pretty serious “oh shit!” moment when Michael came back. After several weeks of essentially nothing at all happening, two characters get blown away in the last few moments of an episode? By a guywho probably doesn’t even know how to spell the word gun? Awesome.

Nobody in our group likes Michael except for me. I actually really appreciated his story arc, and admire a dude who can agree to be a kid’s father after being forcibly cut out of his life for so long. He’s still managed to become a local meme, though… a sort of poster child for random hopelessness. If you want to use it in your own life, here are a couple correct applications:

“I was at the store the other day, picking up a case of beer, and there was a dude in the cooler! He screamed, ‘Walt!’ and then ran off.”

“Have you found that vault in New Vegas where it’s just a bunch of guys running around screaming “Walt!” at each other? That place gave me the heebie-fuckin’-jeebies.”

Of course, if you’re pressed for time, a sudden and unexpected, “Walt!” can achieve the same effect.

So yeah. People warned me that Season Two tended to drag, and drag it certainly did. There was a Rose and Bernard episode on there. Like, I don’t have anything against Rose and Bernard. Okay? But they’re such non-characters. Rose is always good for some folksy wisdom, sure, and Bernard… well, I couldn’t even swear to Bernard having a personality at all up until seeing this episode. But they’re such B-tier characters, it’s just not possible to see them get a spotlight episode and not think, “This is just padding.”

As for the two characters who got blown away, good riddance. I hope they stay dead. That’s valuable screentime we could be devoting to more interesting, previously-developed characters. I think there’s still an Iraqi in this show somewhere, but I haven’t seen him in so long that I’m starting to think I imagined him.

My favorite character remains John Locke, primarily because he’s in a perpetual state of either being on the verge of a significant breakthrough, or spiraling downwards into madness. At this point I can’t tell the difference, and I don’t think Locke can either. He’s about worked his way through all the stages of grief, concerning his button: denial, anger, bargaining… and finally acceptance. His story arc seems to be the closest one to the heart of the series, which is quickly breaking down into a series of Myst-class puzzles.

That’s not a slight, by the way. I would watch a series where the characters don’t do anything but solve Myst over and over again.

10 comments to Yet Another Lost Update

  • Issun

    That episode where two characters were blown away is one of the most OMGWTF? moments in the show. I remember when that episode aired, watching it with my mom, and then she was like “what the hell was that?” and then my brother and best friend both called at almost the same time to say “OMGWTF?”. Seriously, it was insane.

    As you mention that Locke is your favorite character, his arc will either strike you as a crazygonuts plot twist, or it will piss you off to no end. Just sayin’. You’ve got until mid season five before you have to make that decision, though. Also, if you do not like Juliet there will be biscuits punched.

  • Issun

    Oh yeah, and you will A) see Desmond again and B) see what happens if the button doesn’t get pushed at the end of this season. You will not just hear about, but will actually see the Incident that necessitated the creation of the Swan hatch at the end of season five (in an episode titled The Incident). You will find out “Henry Gale”‘s true name within the first three episodes of season three (in the first episode, if you pay attention). That is all.

  • blinkpn

    Even after learning his real name, Henry Gale is my favorite character in the show. Locke disappoints me. He had such a good inquisitive, explorative attitude towards the island in season 1 but after that it quickly degenerates into him being a blind faith believer that whatever happens, The Island will show him the way.

  • Tomm

    Issun could you maybe try NOT spoiling the series for him?

  • What Tomm said. Come on man; that’s just cruel.

  • Issun

    Overreact much? Don’t listen to these guys, Brick, the hints are pretty broad. I wouldn’t say anything that would actually spoil any plot points for you.

  • Rosencrantz

    Issun, seriously, that was just way too much information. Brickroad didn’t ask for any of that. He’s enjoying the show and watching at his pace. He doesn’t need incentive to continue watching it.

  • Issun

    Okay, sorry. That stuff I posted? It’s what I would tell my friend that was watching Lost. Like, he would be “yeah, this is what I think of it” and I would be like “yeah, isn’t that cool? Here’s some more cool stuff coming up” and it wouldn’t be ruining jack shit but you know? Brickroad isn’t my friend in the traditional sense, he’s just some dude on the internet watching this show, and I got into the whole experience. But you know, if he felt the show had been ruined for him, he probably would’ve said something by now, either here or in a PM on Talking Time. But I’ve learned my lesson, I won’t mistake my internet conversations about my favorite show with an internet person for anything more again. So sorry.

    • Issun

      Okay, I might have sounded a tad dickish in the above post, but I feel unfairly maligned. Anyhoo, I PMed the proprieter of this blog to apologize for the hooplah here (I tend to defer to whoever runs the site/board/etc. that I’m posting on), and he can let me know if I’ve crossed any lines.

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