I Love My Samsung Intercept

I just want you guys to know, I would never have completed NaNoWriMo without my Samsung Intercept and the wealth of awesome Android apps that come along with it. The ability to do research on the fly was crucial in certain areas of the story; since I did most of my writing at the office, without internet access, those would have all been places I’d otherwise stalled out. Even at home, opening up the smart phone was preferable in a lot of cases than using the PC, because opening Google Chrome is essentially a blatant invitation for distraction.

I pretty much just rely on the Intercept for everything now. It’s my phone, my messenger service, my GPS, my web browser, my radio, my alarm clock, my camera and my encyclopedia. In one short month I’ve already gotten to the point where I doubt I could ever again exist without technology. What was I, before 2010? Some kind of caveman?

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