Three Woefully Unrelated Things

  1. I still haven’t gone back to watch the end of Survivor: Nicaragua… but I have had the ending spoiled for me. I am now very relieved not to have gone back to watch the end of Survivor: Nicaragua. I’m glad the one and only player who wasn’t a disgusting human being went on to win the game, but I’m a little bummed that the title of “sole Survivor” now includes at least one person who has an IQ comparable to a tree stump. I don’t even have the energy to type a long-ass rant about Naonka and what a horrible player/person she is, but thankfully I don’t have to, because Jeff Probst already did.
  2. Well over a month ago I bought a bottle of green apple soda from an ice cream place we had stopped in. For some reason it’s still in my fridge, unopened. I feel like kind of a dingus for not drinking it, but it’s been a fixture in there for so long now that I feel equally wrong opening it. It’s entirely possible that the amount of thought I’ve put into this is indicative of some kind of bizarre chemical imbalance.
  3. I couldn’t think of a third thing to put here, but I was too afraid to break convention to do anything about it. See? This post does contain woe after all!

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