Sucked back in.

Some of my friends have recently been playing Age of Conan, from which I can tell is just World of Warcraft with titties. Now, I love WoW and I love titties, but part of me (and it’s a pretty big part) kind of never wanted to get sucked into another MMO ever again. I do miss my lovable warlock from time to time (and my lovable empath and my lovable tarutaru before her), but that kind of commitment to a game is something I sort of thought I was over. So I just smiled and nodded through all the Age of Conan jibber-jabber, secure in the knowledge that I could just wait it out.

But then one of them started playing Warhammer Online, too, and I caught a glimpse of it over his shoulder. This game looks exactly like WoW. I mean exactly like WoW. The shape of the mini-map, the color scheme of the action bars and equipment windows, the layout of the quest information, the way dead mobs glow before you loot them. And then… and then he showed me the squig herder.

It only took me about half a second to fall in love. So now I’m downloading the ten-day trial. God dammit.

Well, worst case scenario, I end up paying $15 a month for the privelage of posting stories here about some little goblin dude and his hilarious teethmonster. It’s not like I’ve got anything more important to spend $15 a month on. Besides, well, anything.

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