The worst song in Rock Band.

After playing Beatles Rock Band on guitar for a few hours with some buddies I managed to get one of those fancy silver icons. I should be happy about this, but I’m not, because it just serves to remind me of the stupid regular ugly black icon I still have in Rock Band 2.

It’s […]

Today is Beatles Day.

By the time you read this I will be playing Beatles Rock Band with my parents, an experience which I admit was a large reason of why I bought the game. Of course I am actually typing this some seventeen hours prior, so what I’m actually doing right now is checking my moogle mail in […]

They ran out of Wii points.

I had a huge stack of Pepsi caps with Rock Band codes in them which I had intended to cash in for Wii points, but apparently they ran out of them, whatever that means. I kind of figured that the whole point of a giveaway was to, well, give away prizes, and while I can […]

The sequel nobody asked for.

So there’s an official trailer out now for Boondock Saints 2, and it’s baffling. Troy “Biggest Asshole in Tinseltown” Duffy has been threatening to make this movie for a couple years now and, as much as I enjoyed the original, I could never figure out why. See, some movies just don’t need sequels. Boondock Saints’s […]

Vlog Haitus, and More Dissidia

My intention was to put a vlog up today, but as it turns out I felt more like spending my first weekend home from my new job napping and playing video games. Funny how that worked out! Truth is I’m on a 9-to-5 weekday schedule for the time being, and my evenings are often taken […]

Disgusting jobs.

From 2005 to 2008 I maintained a blog about my experiences working in the drug test industry. Every Saturday I revive one of those experiences here. The following was originally posted April 26, 2006.

Disgusting jobs. People always wonder how I can do my disgusting, filthy job. People wonder all the time how […]


Like everyone else on the internet, I once teamed up with an artist to make a webcomic. It didn’t get very far, but I’ll share one here each Friday until there aren’t anymore. Enjoy.

So I’m reading Discworld.

Every once in a while I’ll retroactively understand a reference. There’ll be something weird or out-of-place in a movie or a book or a game I enjoy, so I’ll kind of already know it’s a reference to something. Since it’s amusing or interesting enough in context, though, I won’t hunt down the source, and eventually […]

More Rock Band, again.

I forget if I ranted on here about why this Beatles Rock Band game is going to suck. I won’t go into that. I will say, though, that the stuff that’s coming out about LEGO Rock Band more than makes up for it. Initial reports of it being a “family friendly” music game led me […]

$500 Mozzarella Sticks

My work schedule makes putting vlogs together during the week impossible for the time being, so I’ll be moving Vlog Day to the weekend. That way I don’t have to kill myself shooting video in the middle of the night and risk anything coming out slapdash or haphazard. (Or, rather, more slapdash/haphazard than usual.)

(Also […]