Three Unrelated-Except-They-Are-All-About-Video-Games Things

Vidjagame Thing the First: You may or may not be interested in the new Let’s Play series: Chocobo Racing. (But if you’re not interested, it’s probably because you hate fun.)

Vidjagame Thing the Second: I want a version of Happy Wheels that isn’t so overrun with 13-year-olds executing basement torture fantasies. The cheap thrill of […]

Three Unrelated Things (That You Already Knew)

Thing the First: Portal 2 is amazing. But you already knew that.

Thing the Second: The new Game of Thrones series on HBO is amazing. But you already knew that too.

Thing the Third, and I’m actually cheating a little bit here, because this is at least tangentially related to Thing the First: I can’t […]