Chemists – Chapter Two

Going into this challenge I had hoped I could get four nice, long blog posts out of it. Unfortunately, Chapter Two was so easy there’s just not much to tell.

The first few fights were just a matter of letting Agrias and Gaffgarion run around slapping everything to death with their magic swords. There is […]

What I read in… well, since last time I did one of these posts.

I tried to do a monthly “what I read” post, but the sad fact is I don’t always average one book a month. I seem to go through phases; sometimes I’m in a book phase, sometimes I’m in a PSP phase, sometimes I’m in a re-watch-every-movie-I-own phase.

In any case, here’s some stuff I’ve […]

Once more unto the breach…

Saved the rachni queen Rescued Ashley Williams on Virmire Chose to sacrifice the Council Saved Maelon’s data Kept Wrex alive on Virmire Chose to rewrite the geth heretics Destroyed the Collector Base Survived the suicide mission with 11 squadmates Romanced Liara before ME2 Romanced Jacob in mE2

Welcome back, Penelope Shepard. Now let’s go […]