He is The Stig.

Didn’t get around to catching Survivor this weekend. I had plenty of time, but Peanut gets mad at me if I watch it without her, and I don’t want to get the broom again. Rest assured, I’ll get back to picking on Coach at some point in the next day or two.

All of this is kind of irrelevant, when you consier that one of my neighbors is the Stig. I know this because he has a bumper sticker on his back window that simply reads “I AM THE STIG”.

(Or her back window, I guess. Although something tells me that no self-respecting woman would go around calling herself The Stig.)

I don’t know what The Stig is, or why one would advertise itself on a Honda Civic. I consulted Wikipedia, which reveals a lot of Swedish dudes named Stig. I think that was probably a dead end. Those guys are Stigs, no doubt, but are any of them The Stig? Not of my neighbor’s bumper sticker has anything to say about it.

While you contemplate that, here is some Mega Man stuff written by my pal Loki and also some other pal of his that I do not know. Apparently they had a lapse of judgment which caused them to lock themselves in a room for a few days and play and then blog about every single classic Mega Man game. You can tell they went a little stir crazy, too, because they end up ranking MM3 really, really low on their list.

3 comments to He is The Stig.

  • Grant

    This is the Stig. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stig

    I think you were here when we were watching Top Gear and the guys raced the Semi-trucks….anyway, the Stig is the faceless driver that owns every car he’s in and every track he’s on.

  • Ether

    I wish I had neighbors with awesome Top Gear-related bumper stickers.

  • Meditative_Zebra

    Yeah, The Stig is from the BBC show Top Gear. He’s the mystery race car driver who never takes off his racing helmet and tests all the sports cars shown on the show.

    Top Gear is absolutely worth checking out, even if you’re like me and have only the most cursory of interest in cars. You can find it on BBC America or on torrents out on the intertubes.

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