
You’re probably not reading this, because a message from Google is telling everyone that my website is full of dangerous and insidious malware, but if you were brave enough to click past that and get to this update… you’re probably disappointed at the lack of any real update.

Short version: the site was hacked using a WordPress exploit and then flagged by Google as harmful. Er, we think. We’re not really certain what happened. The end result, though, is that I was locked out most of the day and couldn’t get the update live on time. Which wouldn’t have mattered because the server was down this afternoon anyway, which may or may not be releated to the hacking/exploit/red flag. We’re not certain of that either.

So after spending the evening hyperventilating into a paper bag and beating down the doors of my webmasters while shrieking “fix it! fix it!”, it looks like I’m back to limping. The mean Google message is still there, and there might not be anything I can do about that. Which would suck. Sad face.

Since I can’t bring the funny today myself, I’ll do what any good webmaster does and pass the buck! Until I get my emo ass back to work, you may entertain yourself with Translation Party, which parses the phrase “Japan is too crazy to be allowed to exist.” as “This is nuts.”

I wholeheartedly agree, Translation Party.

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