Aagh! What… what are those!?

You may have noticed I put a little “share” button at the bottom of this post. And every post in the archives. And every content page in the sidebar. And I want you to know, that I feel horrible about that. Really, I do. Last night I even chickened out took it back down a […]

Three Catastrophically Unrelated Things

Unrelated Thing #1 Peanut left an airplane itinerary on my desk, which I guess means she’s leaving me to my own devices next week. I hope she realizes there’s an excellent chance I’ll have burned down the apartment, or starved to death due to my own laziness, or that some other horrible thing will happen […]

Clean ALL the things!

I spent all morning doing chores, and the goddamn house still isn’t clean. I give up. Updating my website is kind of a chore too, so I’m totally skipping out today. I’ll let YouTube bring the entertainment instead:

Complete History of the Soviet Union, Arranged to the Tetris Melody

Everyone I have showed this too […]


The entire advertising industry is based on telling you lies. These lies range from slight embellishments to outright fabrications, but the core of the issue is they want you to believe something that’s just not true. Good ads will hide this behind something distracting and amusing. Bad ads lead to litigation or, worse, switched channels. […]


If you’ve never had the pleasure of working for corporate America, you might be blissfully unaware of the concept of PTO. PTO is “paid time off”, and its entire purpose is to nickel-and-dime cubicle-dwellers and wage-slaves of their days off over the course of a work year.

See, instead of having traditional sick days or […]

This story has a banana in it.

I’ve had a lot of weird jobs, but a terrible memory, so it’s tough sometimes to look back on my experiences and take amusing stories from them. But I decided to have a bowl of ice cream for breakfast today, and we had a banana sitting there so I was like, “You know what? Banana […]

Loading bars on two screens.

In front of me, I’m installing the FF14 beta. And to my right, I’m installing all the important stuff onto Peanut’s new laptop. For some reason this dual process is really exhausting.

(Yes, Peanut already had a laptop. But it was too heavy, and not purple. Why do you ask?)

I bet you’ve fought about this exact same thing.

I don’t think that means what you think it means.

We attach meanings to words above and beyond their dictionary definitions. We take words — common words with unambiguous meanings — and hang our life experiences onto them, as though we own them. A word can mean a thousand different things to a thousand different people, while still retaining its original definition.

Let’s say you […]

Camtasia vs. FRAPS

As I expand my LP videos into new territory beyond simply running a 10-year-old Nintendo emulator, I’m discovering a weakness with the recording software I have access to. I’ve jiggered the scraps into working, but none of my options seem ideal.

I’ll start by spelling out what I want, I suppose. I want a big […]