Farewell, 2009!

Happy New Year, everypeoples! Here’s hoping you’re one of the decent, right-minded people who will pronounce next year “twenty-ten” and not one of the unwashed troglodytes who insists on “two-thousand-ten”. I don’t have any big plans for tonight other than eating potato chips and drinking Mountain Dew Throwback while playing Batman and/or trollin’ around the […]

Let’s play Wheel of Fortune!

They made four Wheel of Fortune games for the NES. Four. You’d think they could have got away with just the one, but no. I’m trying to imagine someone who played the first one so much they memorized all the puzzles and needed a second (and third, and fourth) one. That person terrifies me.

Then […]

The New Scene in Final Fantasy VI

It’s amazing how you can play a game for over a decade and still find new things in it. Take this scene in Final Fantasy VI, a game I have played a dozen times.

(Warning: if you don’t know FF6 this post won’t make any sense. Sorry about that. Come back tomorrow when I’ll have […]

Survivor: Samoa, finale

The holidays delayed this post by a week, but I finally had some time today to watch the finale. Woo hoo!

One of the themes of my Survivor write-ups is that I don’t think the game really starts until the merge. That isn’t to say that the first half of the game is worthless, […]

Review: Cheap LEGO Knockoffs

I spent a few years trying to collect all the LEGO Batman sets, but there were too many of them and my collection (though formidable) ended up with some holes in it. Since those sets are going for $400 now Peanut decided to switch gears and start me on a new franchise for 2009: Halo.


Off my game.

From 2005 to 2008 I maintained a blog about my experiences working in the drug test industry. Every Saturday I revive one of those experiences here. The following was originally posted February 5, 2007.

Off my game. My girlfriend and I moved into our new apartment last weekend. Our respective families got together […]

‘Twas the Fight Before Christmas

Instead of a Nomic comic today, here is a wonderful Christmas comic I put together with some very talented people back in my fanfic-writing days. Enjoy it in good health!

‘Twas the Fight Before Christmas

So this is Christmas.

I want to wish everyone a safe and cheery Christmas, or Ramadan, or Hannukah, or whatever your holiday of choice happens to be. Christmas, to me, is not so much about one’s beliefs or ideals, but about celebrating the positive aspects of the human spirit. Regardless of their motives people are just plain better this […]

Zombie Annihilation on 34th Street

a holiday poem by Ricky Scibbe

In the distance there was moaning, A deluge of festive groaning, Dusty vocal chords intoning as they shambled down the way. Dead and gone and freshly buried, So we thought; to the contrary: They rose from their cemeteries, joining us this Christmas Day.

At first we were apprehensive. Some […]

Crappy Mother Asks Police To Raise Son For Her, Is Crazy

The Boston Herald seves up some lulz this morning. The gist of it is: a woman wakes up in the middle of the night to find her 14-year-old is awake and playing Grand Theft Auto, and calls 911 to figure out what to do about it.

First of all, a 14-year-old shouldn’t be playing Grand […]