Vampire vs. Werewolf

The supermassive rule-crazy Vampires vs. Werewolves VII has come to an end. This was an incredibly weird game. At first I thought it was going to be dreadfully random, what with all the secret roles and the endless list of game-altering items. And indeed there were many points of the game where things just exploded, […]

I Made You This Rad Mix Tape Bro

When I was a kid I owned a lot of video game soundtracks. I mean, I suppose I still do, but the point is that back in middle and high school I listened to them pretty much exclusively. We had a five-disc CD changer in the living room, and that’s where the computer was, so […]

Joker Doom

I try not to get into arguments with people in the office. This is generally easy to accomplish seeing as how the place is mostly empty when I’m here, but I do have some slight crossover with second shift, and once in a great while this leads to an unpleasant encounter.

This particular encounter dealt […]

Let’s Play FF1 Fan Art

Over three years of Final Fantasy Let’s Plays I have accumulated some pretty hilarious fan art and/or Photoshops… especially my tag-team LP with McDohl, where we encouraged people to take sides and talk trash on our behalf. Here are some!

Combining IKA and RUGA’s respective routes across the desert creates a portal to the […]

Another Three Unrelated Things

1) We spent several hours last night playing Punch Out!! for Nintendo Wii. This game is so, so fun but also so, so hard. It reminded me of when I was a kid. I used to have access to a wide variety of NES games, and there was one class of games which, while fun, […]

Movie review: Inception

Today’s my birthday! We did a bunch of stuff that left me fairly exhaustified.

Last night we caught the midnight showing of Inception. I went into this movie expecting something as wonderful as Memento or The Prestige… and I was not disappointed. I love a twisted sci-fi story that establishes some strange but consistent rules… […]

…and over, and over, and over.

Sometimes you just want to bang your head against a desk over, and over, and over, and over…

Go ahead. Have some Skype sex.

I don’t usually make it a point to read Cosmo, but sometimes when you’re holed up in the bathroom tending to business there’s nothing else at arm’s length to read. Like the entire magazine is broken up into easily digestible lists, and this morning I had enough business to give me time to nutter […]

Data Transfer

I’d type a post today, but I’m too busy biting my fingernails down to the nub hoping that this Xbox data transfer works properly. Peanut did me right by getting me a 250 GB hard drive for my birthday, now it’s up to Microsoft to handle the rest.

520 items to transfer over, most of […]

Augments Are Stupid

…but the rest of Final Fantasy IV DS is really, really good.

(“Really Brickroad? Another FF post?” Hey, I blog about what I play.)

The first time I played FF4DS I didn’t finish it. I thought it was way too hard. In fact, I thought it ventured into blatantly unfair at some points. There are […]