Let’s play The Legend of Zelda!

Just a nice, short series — five fifteen-minute chunks.

No commentary really needed. It is Zelda. I’m playing a homebrew version and I murder it super-fast. Enjoy.

Graph Paper is Dangerous

I need to quit keeping graph paper up at the office. It’s dangerous to have around. Something in the deep lizard-section of my brain sees a sheet of graph paper and sees pure, uncrafted potential. It’s astounding how quickly three hours can blink away while I’m transforming a blank piece of paper into a D&D […]

Minecraft ate this post.

However much time it would have taken to write a blog post here, I used it to play Minecraft instead.

The good news is, I started a server so you can hop in and see what I’ve been up to: http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=57edab277d0fe5352c8e58683c408198

(If that link doesn’t work… well, sorry. I can’t offer tech support. Best of […]


So I’ve spent about 90% of my free time this weekend playing around with Minecraft:

The free version of this game is about building things with colorful blocks. I don’t really need to go into detail explaining it; you can try it for yourself: www.minecraft.net.

It only took me a few minutes to get […]

Don’t read this if you haven’t seen Inception, or The Prestige.

Because I totally just saw it again, and I’m totally about to spoil it. And The Prestige.

When we first saw the movie on opening night, the movie ended with a very loud, unanimous groan from the audience. Did the top fall over? Did the top fall over!?

Upon viewing the movie again, and discussing […]

Three Not-So-Unrelated Things (…and more!)

A powerful hankerin’ to replay Portal spurred me to finally install Steam on this machine, which led to the following completely related things:

1) They went and release realMYST on Steam earlier this week. This is a fully-rendered freeform version of Myst, where you actually walk around and explore the island rather than click-click-click through […]

Let’s play Mega Man X4!


I don’t even want to go into all the crazy asshattery that cropped up during this Let’s Play. If I’d known how frustrating it was going to be I’d have never started it. The last few videos came out really, really nice at least. And yeah, my scripted commentary is almost always better […]

Too Much of a Good Thing

I’m trying to determine what the perfect amount of times to watch a movie is. Some movies have to be digested, see, so one or two viewings isn’t enough. But even your favorite movies, after the seventh or eighth or tenth viewing, start coming up short. Don’t they? You start noticing the cracks. And once […]

An ounce of prevention…

It occurs to me that BP is no longer in the business of finding, refining, and selling oil. It seems like now its entire corporate philosophy involves conducting emergency public relations work on its own self-image.

I keep hearing this commercial on the radio set to sad, lilting music where some important BP so-and-so explains […]


So Dan informs me that today is Super Joe Day, as foretold by the ending of the NES version of Bionic Commando:

Unfortunately I kind of feel like today didn’t feel very Super-y or very Joe-y. Kind of even a bigger letdown than Crystalis‘s THE END DAY, over a decade ago:

At the […]