
This is just a very quick post to inform everyone that I’ve started watching Lost. I guess it’s going to become a fixture of Friday game nights; a few episodes of Lost, an hour or two of Rock Band, then whatever game we’re playing until 2-3 a.m.

I realize this show is all about mysteries […]

Impromptu Game Night

After about a month of not gaming, it looks like there’s going to be some of that happening tonight. So the time I was going to use for this blog post got cut short. Excellent news for me, not so much for you. That’s life on the edge, baby.

I had a post drafted about […]

Upgrade OR DIE

I’ve been getting this message several times a day for the past month or so. The date keeps getting pushed back every couple days, otherwise it’s exactly the same. I’ve tried blocking and warning AIM, but apparently they don’t stand for that kind of nonsense.

The whole situation is pretty amusing, honestly. What’s going […]

In Defense of William Easton

William Easton is a fictional insurance claims investigator, and in this post I’m going to advocate for him. This is Easton:

And okay, I grant you, this is the douchiest-looking dude on the planet. Nobody is disputing that fact. Before you condemn him, though, consider that this is also Easton:

See, William Easton […]

The Cure for Achievement Whoring

Hi, I’m Brickroad, and I’m a recovering Achievement Whore.

Looking at the achievement list for a game used to inspire me to do crazy things. The day I bought my Xbox 360 and learned what gamerscore was, games stopped being fun for their own sake. There was now this over-arcing meta-goal I had to achieve, […]


I love each and every one of my blog readers and YouTube subscribers like the brother I never had*, but all the same it’s exciting to get recognized by someone awesome. By which I mean, when your fun little YouTube Let’s Play series gets linked up by WayForward’s official Shantae blog, you get this warm […]

The Only Good Movie Trilogy

The rules for a movie trilogy are thus:

1) Make a self-contained movie.

2) If it’s good, make a sequel. Except break the sequel in half so you can span it across two movies.

End result: three movies, but only two (maybe two-and-a-half) storylines. You don’t have to examine the last twenty years of filmmaking […]

Taking Audiosurf Requests (unless no one wants me to)

Well, since I have nothing recorded and not really a lot of desire to do any real recording, I figured I might open the floodgates. Someone recently (and jokingly?) suggested I do an LP series of the entire Suikoden soundtrack in Audiosurf. I thought that was a pretty dumb idea, since that series would take […]

Guess That Screenshot

So here’s a cute little Flash game where you can test your encyclopedic knowledge of video game screenshots: Geek Mind. The premise is simple: you see a screenshot from a video game, and you type what game it is. Get it right and you get points.

The trouble with it is that if you’re even […]

Last Minecraft post for a while. I SWEAR.

I just had to share this final aerial shot of Talking Tisland v1.0:

With that, the gang has moved on to a new server, which you can access here. (And you should… just don’t blame me when five hours goes by and suddenly nothing else in your life seems as important as […]