Minecraft Server

People are going pretty nuts with the Minecraft server we set up, as you can plainly see. My own meager constructions pale in comparison to some of the incredible stuff people have developed, which include:

a subway system, complete with working ticket counter, a giant industrial-strength mob grinder that continuously spits out materials, an enormous […]

Several reasons why my PS3 might not be plugged into the internet…

…none of which are any of Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2‘s business. I don’t have a wireless router, and have to cart my PS3 into another room to plug it in and download PSN games I want to play (such as BC:R2). I want to take my PS3 to a friend’s house, or into another room […]

They Ain’t Gots To Go Hungry

Every time I clicked over to YouTube today and saw this out of the corner of my eye:

I thought for a split second there was a cockroach crawling around on my computer monitor.

Three Happenstances That Are Unrelated (So Far As I Know)

#1: My Xbox is broken! Aaahhh!! Looks like it’s an E47 error, which means I can fix it by opening up the box and squirting thermal paste all over the place. Apparently some people have fixed this particular error by letting their Xbox run while wrapped up in a blanket, but that sounds like a […]

Jocelyn Beauregard, Private Eye (part ten)

Having completed NaNoWriMo ’10, I’m going to share one section of my story here every Friday until you’ve read the whole thing. Hooray for easy update days! Enjoy.

If not for pictures on the covers of the pulps at the newsstand, Jocelyn would not have known what to call a ten gallon hat the first […]

What makes a good LP?

A dude recently left this comment here on my blog thing:

Hey, Brickroad, I am a youtuber who does stupid little videos, and I started to do a LP recently, how do you suggest I get more popular and or make my LP’s have better quality in general? I am in no way trying to […]

Lucky Bastard

After weeks of getting a fat pile of nothing in Castlevania HD, the twenty minutes I played today yeilded:

Sonic Boots (huge increase in walk speed!) Simon’s Plate (awesome armor for Belmonts!) Robe Decollete (more mana regen for my casters!)

Then, just to rub salt in the wound of one of my comrades, Astarte dropped […]

Let’s play FF2: Chapter the Third: Into the Antlion’s Nest

It starts around here, somewhere.

I’m making use of the Nintendo Power artwork for this LP, and boy howdy is it bad. None of them top what was done to Rosa, though:

Is she a White Mage? Or a late ’70s glam rocker? No wonder Cecil loves her!