What the F*ck?

We have this board game called What the F*ck? I don’t know what the * is supposed to represent.

It is a drinking game. The object of the game is: you pose a question to another player, and that player is given one of two choices. The player thinks about his/her answer, then every other player at the table attempts to predict which way the first player went. Anyone who correctly guesses which answer the player picked gets a point. Anyone who guessed wrong takes a drink.

The draw of the game is that the questions are the most hilariously depraved situations ever to face mankind. Here are a random sampling of ten:

What would you rather eat?
A) a soild diaper
B) a rotten steak

You are a doctor that specializes in one thing. What would you most prefer to do?
A) remove objects that people stick up their butts
B) remove growths off people’s bodies

Would you stick your head in a clogged toilet for $50,000?
A) yes
B) no

To save a family member’s life, which of these are you more likely to do?
A) expose your genitals to X-rays
B) chug a vial of toxic waste

Which shooter would you more likely drink?
A) dirty toilet water
B) someone’s vomit

What would you rather do?
A) pee on an electric fence
B) sit on and poo into a blender on the puree setting

What would you rather have for breakfast tomorrow?
A) horse biscuits and gravy
B) scrambled about-to-hatch chicken eggs

Which produce items would you rather have a three-way with?
A) a pumpkin and a carrot
B) a potato and a cucumber

You get done masturbating and notice there isn’t a tissue to clean up with. What would you most likely do instead?
A) use your brother’s jock
B) nothing

Which would you rather have as an affliction?
A) a raging case of multiple hemmorrhoides
B) chicken pox on your genitals

That’s actually a relatively tame selection, come to think of it. I didn’t even have to go to the included glossary in order to look up terms like “hot carl” or “red wings”.

To my undying shame, I have played this game with a group of people that has included my mother.

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