Survivor: Samoa, week eight

Ladies and gentlemen, we are merged. Now the game can start for real.

You see a lot of things on Survivor, and the merge usually goes one of a few ways. Either the larger tribe will pick off the smaller one until it no longer exists (a process called “pagonging”), the smaller tribe will […]

Guilty Pleasures: Saw VI

Can you believe they made six of these movies? Because I kind of can’t!

I cannot in good faith recommend the movie to anyone, because it wasn’t a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. You could practically see the cue cards in several of the scenes. The plot was predictable as all hell, […]

Still yet more Rock Band!

Just so we’re clear, both The Beatles: Rock Band and LEGO Rock Band are worthy additions to anyone’s game collection. Anyone who likes plastic instrument games will find a lot to enjoy in both titles unless they just really can’t stand the Beatles. Or LEGOs. Which is impossible. (Obviously.)

But let’s see if we can’t […]

“The stare.”

From 2005 to 2008 I maintained a blog about my experiences working in the drug test industry. Every Saturday I revive one of those experiences here. The following was originally posted October 20, 2006.

“The stare.” My new official title is “shipping manager”, but that isn’t as exciting as “peemeister”. Fortunately, I’m still […]


Like everyone else on the internet, I once teamed up with an artist to make a webcomic. It didn’t get very far, but I’ll share one here each Friday until there aren’t anymore. Enjoy.

If you aren’t Christian, you aren’t American.

I think the point of this clown’s speech is that you aren’t really an American unless you believe in the Christian god. The sentiment is nothing new. I’ll say this, though, Congressman Clownpants: I may not be a Christian, and therefore not an American, but I can recite the Pledge of Allegiance without flubbing […]

Vlog 025: Power Animals

This video is so late in the week because I figured Wednesdays would be a good day for vlogs, so I just held onto it.

This video is so late in the day because Daylight Savings Time scrwed me. SCREWED ME!


Survivor: Samoa, week seven

Last week I predicted Galu would elect Erik their new captain, since he’s the best guy for the job. I underestimated the tribe’s capacity for wickedness. The four guys (Erik, Dave, Brett and John) got together and decided to elect Shambo chief for their use as a figurehead, bringing the dimwitted ex-Marine into their […]

The plot of every Lifetime Original Movie ever.

I don’t ever watch movies on Lifetime, but Peanut watches all of them, so over the course of the past few years I’ve seen lots of bits-and-pieces of crappy based-on-the-novel-by-Danielle-Steele TV movies. I’m pretty sure I’ve got the formula figured out.

A strong and ravenously independent (yet still somehow vulnerable and naive) woman meets a […]

Argh, Youtube.

Youtube’s acting crazy and won’t let me upload the vlog I shot today. Actually, it’s barely letting me load any videos at all, which is a shame, because LEGO Rock Band note charts are starting to appear. What I should do is start jotting down topic ideas as they come to me, so when days […]