13 Weeks of Final Fantasy: That Airship Guy, What’s His Name, You Know Who I’m Talking About

Week One: Personal Experiences Week Two: Our Heroes Week Three: Best Song Ever Week Four: Gameplay Wallbangers Week Five: The Big Bad Week Six: Ridiculously Broken Attacks Week Seven: Title Logos Week Eight: Chocobos! Week Nine: Battle Music Week Ten: Eye-rollingest Plot Elements Week Eleven: Craziest Fashion Sense Week Twelve: Sequels, Spin-offs, Remakes and Ports


The Importance of THE GAME

The vlogbrothers recently did a really great video about The Game. You should go watch it by clicking this link. I love the vlogbrothers’ videos, but this post isn’t about the vlogbrothers or even about The Game. It’s not even about our respective responses to The Game, though that’s where it’s going to start.

(That […]

Five things I would change about Kinetic Cipher.

I learned a lot about game design in the time between when I started my RPGMaker 2000 game Kinetic Cipher and 2003 when I decided to dismantle it and completely rebuild it from the ground up. I felt like starting the game over from scratch, applying what I’d learned about the engine and games in […]

Three Unrelated Things From Beyond the Grave

Hmm… I guess I’ve done enough “three unrelated things” posts that it could kind of be its own category. Maybe worth thinking about. Anyway…

1) Final Fantasy IX looks fantastic on the PSP. I really cannot believe this game is ten years old. This game is older now than Final Fantasy IV was when it, […]

Some days…

…I just don’t have anything. Today is such a day.

Well, I can share this I guess:


This is a minor character in my old RPG Maker game that a TOTALLY RAD DUDE did some fan art of. I’ve been using the artwork as a forum avatar for a while now, and recently […]

Why 360 is winning the console arms race.

Here’s what you have to do to get your Xbox 360 online:

Plug in an ethernet cord. Failing that, plug in the wireless internet adapter.

That’s it. You push the button, and it does all the heavy lifting. Yes, you have to know your WEP key if you want to go wireless, but that’s easy […]

Rules for RMN Bros. II

Absolutely nobody asked my opinion on this, so of course I’m giving it. Here are some rules I’d like to see enforced for Super RMN Bros. II, which the guys are supposed to be kicking up later this summer.

For the hub world:

Two mushrooms within one screens of every level entrance. (Players can do […]

13 Weeks of Final Fantasy: Sequels, Spin-offs, Remakes and Ports

Week One: Personal Experiences Week Two: Our Heroes Week Three: Best Song Ever Week Four: Gameplay Wallbangers Week Five: The Big Bad Week Six: Ridiculously Broken Attacks Week Seven: Title Logos Week Eight: Chocobos! Week Nine: Battle Music Week Ten: Eye-rollingest Plot Elements Week Eleven: Craziest Fashion Sense

Week Twelve: Sequels, Spin-offs, Remakes and Ports […]

PSP vs. DS

Hey gang, just a quickie today. Lots of LP work to get back to.

Something pretty amazing happened at some point in the past few weeks: I realized I was enjoying my PSP more than my DS Lite. The PSP’s screen is bigger and brighter, the buttons are more comfortable, you don’t have to dick […]

“Zach, we should take a break from shooting monsters to get our suit dry cleaned.”

I can’t figure Deadly Premonition out. One minute I’m in a hospital talking to some NPCs about an autopsy… the next I have dead shadow people coming out of the walls. I shoot fifty of them, then I’m back with the NPCs again and my protagonist carries on like nothing ever happened.

I can’t tell […]