There should be a word for this.

So I made one up: borbongled. It means, “the state of mild embarrassment felt when someone discovers you’ve done something stupid under circumstances which were completely beyond your control.”

Let’s say you drive somewhere and, upon arriving at your destination, you find the parking lot is completely full. Well, no, there’s one spot open, but […]

glub glub

As I stood waiting for Peanut at the airport this morning, I amused myself with a nearby fishtank. I figured watching the nearby fish was as good a way as any to pass the time, considering I’d left my DS at home, but I wasn’t expecting the profound sadness I experienced.

Basically I just […]

Aagh! What… what are those!?

You may have noticed I put a little “share” button at the bottom of this post. And every post in the archives. And every content page in the sidebar. And I want you to know, that I feel horrible about that. Really, I do. Last night I even chickened out took it back down a […]

Shantae vs. Shanoa – An Action Girl Case Study

It all started when I made this weird, rambling post complaining about Samus Aran’s characterization in Other Msome crappy new game I hadn’t even played. Basically, I feel like there aren’t enough awesome female protagonists in video games. I took an inventory of every console game I’ve purchased in the last ten years and made […]

Coming around on old (and new) games.

It’s funny how snap judgments can alter the course of your tastes for years, and actually end up causing you to deny yourself things you otherwise might enjoy. That’s pretty much all I have time to say today on the subject of the two Tomb Raider games I’m currently playing through, though I will bend […]

Another good GameStop experience!

There are so very few of these in the world that I do like to share them when they occur. I stopped in to see if I could nab a used copy of Tomb Raider Anniversary for cheaper than it was going on Steam. Yes, as it turns out, but my $8 in savings came […]

Let’s play MYST!

This one is very different from most of the rest of my LPs. Different but also awesome. A lot of people seem to have really dug it, which is cool, because I was pretty nervous about doing 1) a 3D game, 2) an adventure game and 3) a game a lot of people really, […]

Why Five Bucks is Too Much for Poker Night at the Inventory

Disclaimer: Five bucks is not too much for Poker Night at the Inventory. I will very likely spend five bucks on it, and be heavily amused, and you probably should do the same.

But still. Five bucks for a poker game. I don’t even like poker. The gamer part of me realizes what kind of […]

Three Catastrophically Unrelated Things

Unrelated Thing #1 Peanut left an airplane itinerary on my desk, which I guess means she’s leaving me to my own devices next week. I hope she realizes there’s an excellent chance I’ll have burned down the apartment, or starved to death due to my own laziness, or that some other horrible thing will happen […]

Clean ALL the things!

I spent all morning doing chores, and the goddamn house still isn’t clean. I give up. Updating my website is kind of a chore too, so I’m totally skipping out today. I’ll let YouTube bring the entertainment instead:

Complete History of the Soviet Union, Arranged to the Tetris Melody

Everyone I have showed this too […]