The Fourth Season Problem

HBO’s Game of Thrones probably has no chance of making it four seasons. Let’s face it: this is a big-budget series on a station which is known for canning its big-budget series after two or three award-winning years. Most likely we’ll get two good years out of it before it pulls up a chair alongside […]

Three Unrelated Things (That You Already Knew)

Thing the First: Portal 2 is amazing. But you already knew that.

Thing the Second: The new Game of Thrones series on HBO is amazing. But you already knew that too.

Thing the Third, and I’m actually cheating a little bit here, because this is at least tangentially related to Thing the First: I can’t […]

Survivor: Redemption Island (episode seven)

This episode opened with Zapatera still, still! not learning their lessons. Immediately after tribal council, Steve conducts a nighttime confessional in which he talks about how badly he wants Dave to set aside his ego and pride, and be a team player. Of course, he does nothing about his own ego and pride.

The […]

The most amazing scream ever.

Warning: Lost spoilers ahead!

Of course, the guy I was putting those spoiler tags in for has gone on and finished watching the series without me, leaving me a cold, naked husk stranded back at the beginning of season five. Thanks a lot, you horrible monster!

I’m convinced that, during the casting for this program, […]

Chuck is my new favorite show!

I’m not actually going to start watching it, of course. That would just be silly.

Here’s a toy!

One of the metrics by which I measure whether or not I’ve delivered a good blog post for the day is the length of time you people spend amused at my antics. I can happily assume that long, informative posts like yesterday’s take between five and ten minutes to consume, which is a job well […]

Why Heroes Failed

One of the most striking revelations I keep having, as I move forward through Lost, is just how much Heroes wanted to be this show when it was on the air. Being pretty familiar with the first two seasons of Heroes, it’s hard to shake the sensation that they were the little kids on the […]

Survivor: Redemption Island (week four)

Can I just say this on the subject of “honor” and “integrity”? If you really possess either of those things as a hard-line quality, and you truthfully live your entire life with those tenets at its very core… why would you play on a skeevy gameshow like Survivor? Everybody lies in this game. Everybody. […]

Etria Takes Shape

For the first time in years I am actually caught up with Survivor. I’m going to try and get into the groove of weekly write-ups starting tomorrow and hopefully through the end of the season.

Until then, here’s a great shot of the Etrian project taking shape on our Minecraft server. Excavation has been completed, […]

Survivor: Redemption Island (week three)

So the Ometepe alliance is Rob/Natalie/Ashley/Grant, with Phillip being strung along as a fifth? That’s a pretty convenient set-up, I guess. If they’re smart, they’ll figure out a way to cut Rob loose before the merge.

First thing to happen was the Redemption Island duel. Two members from each tribe (Andrea and Ashley from […]