Survivor: Redemption Island (week ten)

Maybe it’s just the lighting, but Matt is starting to look a little bit like Jesus out there.

Ahem. Let’s talk rice.

Oh my god, games of Suvivor have been won and lost on cups full of rice. At one point in the game, Ometepe and Zapatera had about the same amount of rice. […]


I mentioned a long, long time ago that I was slightly miffed when NBC cancelled Kings. At the time I had watched, I think, three episodes out of the thirteen that aired. I was more upset about losing the show because I was intrigued at its premise, rather than it’s actual merit.

Well, this says […]

My head is empty

Usually when I sit down to do one of these last-minute posts, I can come up with at least a quick-shot review of a movie I’ve seen recently, or a couple unrelated things to share, or something from my camera phone that I thought was amusing.

(I did finally get to Kings on my Netflix […]

I’ll Final YOUR Fantasy (II)


Chapter 8: Zot

This marks something like the halfway-ish point, at least as far as updates are concerned. With any luck I’ll have this thing in the can by Christmas.

Let’s play Ragnarland Fun Adventure!

By the time the night is out, that playlist should contain the full set of DW4 Chapter One videos. It’s about an hour and it’s mostly text crawling across a black screen. Enjoy!

The reason I uploaded this set at all was to showcase how badly RPGs adapted to the video LP format, but […]

Why DQ4 is exempt from my “Dragon Quest Sucks” policy.

Part of it is nostalgia. I won’t lie. I learned the game around the same time in my development as Final Fantasy II, when a very deeply-rooted lifelong love of RPGs was forming. In fact, the whole reason I played Dragon Warrior IV in the first place had to do with my wanting to play […]

DQ vs. FF

I posted this rant on Talking Time today. It seemed relevant, considering that I’m smack in the middle of two Let’s Plays. On the topic of strategy in RPGs, a semi-common response is to favor DQ because “status effect spells actually work”. As a die-hard FF fanboy, this has always bothered me. For one thing, […]

Let’s play FF2! Still!

I realize I’m averaging like 14 months between updates, but I’m a-still chuggin’ along.

Chapter the Seventh: Beautiful Toroia

I got yelled at last time I did this.

Here is the completed Let’s Play Willow series:

And here is the new series I began uploading last night. It is not a real Let’s Play; it is basically just me proving a silly point.


How To Win Every Stupid Internet Argument, Forever

This video should do the trick.

Yes, I am comfortable with today’s scrawny-ass non-post. I’m doing a public service here.