I feel bad about today.

But I only have two minutes to update, and all I have laying around is this kickass picture of Mt. Ordeals:

Everything is better with lens flare, I’m sure you’ll agree.

See you tomorrow!

Survivor: Redemption Island (episode five)

I didn’t notice this until it was pointed out to me, but they’ve started adding a question mark to the end of Phillip’s occupation. Now he’s a “Former Federal Agent?”. If that’s not a stark indication of how much of a character this guy is, I don’t know what to tell you.

The actual […]

RMN Bros. 2 is Awful

I spent a great deal of time this weekend playing through RMN Bros. 2, the sequel to the ill-conceived Super RMN Bros. It is very very bad, and you should not play it. It’s not worth the $0.00 you would spend.

I tried to get involved in this project early on as a kind of […]

Jocelyn Beauregard, Private Eye (part sixteen)

Having completed NaNoWriMo ’10, I’m going to share one section of my story here every Friday until you’ve read the whole thing. Hooray for easy update days! Enjoy.

Officer Barret was standing outside of Ted’s office smoking a cigar and looking very pleased with himself. Mr. Swanson’s observation had been spot on: the office was […]

Let’s play Subspace Emissary w/Kefka Floyd!

One of my longer LPs — thirty-four parts. Enjoy!

Campaign Stickers

I can think lots of good reasons to not put a campaign sticker on your bumper during election season. Here are the two biggies, though, both related to how difficult it is to get a bumper sticker off your car once it’s been applied:

If your guy loses, you’re stuck with his sticker on your […]

Chuck is my new favorite show!

I’m not actually going to start watching it, of course. That would just be silly.

Here’s a toy!

One of the metrics by which I measure whether or not I’ve delivered a good blog post for the day is the length of time you people spend amused at my antics. I can happily assume that long, informative posts like yesterday’s take between five and ten minutes to consume, which is a job well […]

How to Fix the Xbox 360’s E74 Error

Please be advised there is now a part two to this post. After about a month, his fix failed and I had to go back in for a tune-up. You can read about that by clicking here: Return of the E74. Don’t worry; if you follow these instructions you aren’t doing anything wrong and you […]

Why Heroes Failed

One of the most striking revelations I keep having, as I move forward through Lost, is just how much Heroes wanted to be this show when it was on the air. Being pretty familiar with the first two seasons of Heroes, it’s hard to shake the sensation that they were the little kids on the […]